.: it's just good practice to stop and ponder (as frequently as possible) the things that you are thankful for; otherwise they slip past and don't receive the kind of recognition they deserve. so the THANKFULNESS PROJECT is a personal challenge to find at least one thing every day that I am thankful for - silly things, weird things, funny things, simple things, random things, food things, nature things, God things, people things, ALL THINGS. it's good to be grateful :.

Monday, December 13, 2010


i'm thankful for...

TWO things today:

UNO --Very apt, funnily relevant devotional thingys that were completely unintended. This is what I read this morning as there was a 2 hour delay and I actually had an A.M. to spend with the Lord:

“Praise and thanksgiving according to formula do not suffice. Praise and thanksgiving with an aim to manipulate God or as an instant cure for all problems will disappoint. Praise and thanksgiving as a substitute for reality to cover over real feelings is not true prayer. God calls you to thanksgiving grounded in reality and truth. He calls you to go beyond giving thanks; he calls you to be thankful”

“Praise and thanksgiving do not magically change my circumstances. They radically alter my viewpoint.”

“God will use the circumstances that could tear you down to build you up. He will not bless you in spite of the circumstances, but by means of them (IS 49:11)…You are not thanking him because you enjoy the circumstances. You are not expressing delight in the difficulty, but delight in God, whose purpose is unchanging, whose power is unlimited, whose love is eternal.”
“You don’t have to understand how each circumstance will be used for your benefit. God invites us to draw near in the full assurance of faith, not understanding.”

-Jennifer Kennedy Dean

DOS -- The four teenagers who helped me push my stupid stalled car out of a busy intersection tonight. That sucked a lot, but I’m really so grateful for their help.

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